Pengaruh Jumlah Produksi, Nilai Tukar dan Inflasi terhadap Komoditi Ekspor di Indonesia Tahun 2015-2020
Exports are the biggest contributor to each country's foreign exchange earnings. The role of Indonesia in taking part in international trade transaction players cannot be separated from the success factors in it. This quantitative study has the aim of knowing the success of exports from the impact of the independent variables on the amount of production, exchange rates and inflation for the 2015-2020 period. Footwear is the main center of the commodity under study. This research is located in Indonesia which uses a secondary data library review technique in the form of a monthly time series. The quantitative study method used as a reference for analytical calculations is the regression model. With the intention of knowing the impact of more than one independent variable. The final finding of this study explains that overall footwear exports have the influence of the independent variables on the amount of production, exchange rate and inflation. Total Production partially has a positive role in encouraging export success. On the other hand, the exchange rate and inflation in the short term show an insignificant impact in encouraging the success of footwear exports. Referring to the findings of this quantitative study, it is hoped that the government will pay more attention to the determinants of export success, especially footwear so that policies and innovations continue to be considered.
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