Business Resilience pada UMKM di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Business resilience in MSMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic is an important phenomenon to be researched. The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of entrepreneurial characteristics, technology utilization, government support on business resilience mediated by crisis management. This study uses a quantitative approach with the subject of analysis of MSME actors, members of the East Java APUKW in Malang City, totaling 77 business actors. The data analysis technique used WarpPLS 7.0. This study proves that crisis management is supported by the use of technology and the level of business resilience of MSME actors is strongly influenced by crisis management. However, crisis management has not yet become a mediation between entrepreneurial characteristics and government support that has an impact on the resilience of MSME businesses. This phenomenon shows that MSMEs as members of the East Java APUKW have used information technology optimally, so that during the COVID-19 pandemic, their businesses still survive, while entrepreneurial characteristics and government support have not optimally helped their business resilience. In addition, it was found that entrepreneurial characteristics, use of technology and government support contributed to increasing business resilience through crisis management. This research provides a practical contribution to APUKW East Java Malang City to provide training on the use of information technology to make sales online.
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