Riset Kepuasan Masyarakat terhadap Kantor Pelayanan Dan Perizinan dan Investasi di Kota Jambi
Licensing and investment services conducted by the Office of Licensing and Investment Services (KPPI) Jambi City has been satisfactory. Elements of satisfactory service are the suitability of service requirements, expertise and skills of officers, courtesy and friendliness of officers, fairness of costs, comfort of the environment, security of service, response in handling complaints, notices relating to decisions and provisions, ease of procedure, clarity and certainty of officers, discipline of officers, speed of service, fairness to obtain services, suitability of costs, accuracy of schedule, fairness according to rules, responsibility of officers, ease of obtaining information , while that includes the unsatisfactory official way of society in channeling aspirations. Based on the level of importance of service elements service procedures are the most important elements followed by the performance of officers, speed and accuracy of schedule, reasonable costs, comfort and most recently are supporting facilities.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33087/ekonomis.v5i1.321
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