Perancangan Kemasan Kopi Bubuk dan Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan dengan Metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Pahl and Beitz, dan Kano
Development and product design can be done to MSME actors, it does not rule out the possibility of MSME actors to be a bigger business in the future. Packaging design is one that can be done for the development of a product. Likewise with Mante coffee MSMEs located in Sumberejo village, precisely in Pasuruan regency, East Java. The purpose of this study is to obtain criteria for packaging of ground coffee products needed by customers/consumers, make packaging of ground coffee products, and determine the level of customer/consumer satisfaction from the packaging that has been designed. The research method used is Pahl & Beitz method used to find out about the specifications/ criteria of the packaging of ground coffee products then the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method, to find the criteria or specifications of the packaging of ground coffee products needed in the development of packaging design and create a house of Quality as a comparison of the criteria that have been selected, then the kano model Method is used to determine the level of customer/consumer satisfaction with the products that have been made using Blauth's Formula calculation formula. From the results of research conducted obtained product specifications using plastic outer packaging, sachet material using aluminum foil, and ziplock locking system. By using the QFD method obtained a total of 6 criteria. The selected criteria/specifications are attractive with a frequency of 29 respondents, easy to carry as many as 30 respondents, versatile as many as 27 respondents, proportional as many as 29 respondents, practical as many as 30 respondents, and the quality of coffee awake as many as 29 respondents. While from the formulation of the kano model Method, it is obtained that the attributes of attractive, easy to carry, and practical are included in the Must-be category, versatile attributes and coffee quality are maintained in the Attractive category, and proportional attributes are included in the One dimensional category.
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