Analisis Kompensasi dan Penempatan Kerja terhadap Turnover Intention Karyawan PT Nusantara Medika Utama Mojokerto
Turnover intention is one of the problems related to the management of human resources in a company, so it is necessary to pay attention to the triggering factors, such as compensation and job placement. The study was conducted with the aim of finding out the impact of compensation and work placement regarding the employee turnover intention of PT Nusantara Medika Utama Mojokerto. This study has a population, namely all employees of PT Nusantara Medika Utama. The method applied to take samples is Probability Sampling. For the technique itself using Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. The analysis was performed using the Partial Least Square technique. The data taken from the questionnaire using the Likert technique is used in testing whether the data is valid and reliable. After conducting the study, it is known that compensation has a significant negative effect on the turnover intention of employees of PT Nusantara Medika Utama Kota Mojokerto and work placement has the same effect on the turnover intention of employees of PT Nusantara Medika Utama Kota Mojokerto.
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