Pengaruh Daya Tarik Kawasan Wisata Candi Muaro Jambi Terhadap Pendapatan UMKM Sekitarnya dengan Minat Kunjungan sebagai Variabel Intervening
Tourism has a quite strategic role in economic development, especially in increasing regional own-source income (PAD) and the community, apart from providing opportunities and employment opportunities, it can also interact directly as entrepreneurs so that in the end it improves the standard of living of the community through MSMEs. In reviewing this, it appears that the tourism sector is able to boost the rate of development of MSMEs in an area through businesses that are included in the tourism industry. The purpose of this study is to determine: 1) The direct effect of the attractiveness of the Muaro Jambi (X) temple tourism area on MSME income around (Y). 2) The direct effect of the tourist attraction of the Muaro Jambi temple (X) on visiting interest (Z) as an intervention variable. 3) The direct effect of MSME income (Y) on visiting interest (Z) as an intervention variable. And 4) The direct and indirect effect of the attractiveness of the tourist attractions of the Muaro Jambi temple (X) on the income of the surrounding MSMEs (Y) through interest in visiting (Z) as an intervention variable. The data used comes from the identity of the respondent (sample) and a list of questions (questionnaire) conducted at the Muaro Jambi temple area. The sample used in this study was 65 respondents. The method used to analyze this research is descriptive quantitative. This study uses the Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) analysis tool using SMART-PLS Ver.3.0 software. The results showed that the three variables, both directly and indirectly, had a positive and significant effect. This is evidenced by the amount of t-count > t-table and the level of significance shown where P.Values <0.05 and T-statistic > 1.66980. From the results obtained the Q-Square value is 0.937. This shows the magnitude of the increase in research data that can be explained by the research model of 93.7%. While the remaining 6.3% is explained by other factors that are outside this research model.
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