Pengaruh E-Rating dan E-Review dengan E-Trust Sebagai Mediasi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi pada Pengguna Lazada di Dago, Bandung)

Donny Indra, Hamida Mushafa Zahra, Sulus Setiono, Dio Rinaldo Putrawan Pratama


This study aims to determine the effect of e-rating and e-review on purchasing decisions through e-trust as an intervening variable. The population of this study are all Lazada e-commerce users who are domiciled in Dago, Bandung. The research sample was 130 respondents with the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Furthermore, this research approach is quantitative with SEM analysis tools assisted by Smart PLS 3 software. The results show that E-rating has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, E-reviews have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, E-trust has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, E-rating has a positive and significant effect on e-rating, E-review has a positive and significant effect on e-trust, E-trust is able to mediate the effect of e-rating on purchasing decisions and E-trust is able to mediate the effect of e-review on purchasing decisions.


E-Rating; E-Review; E-Trust; Purchase Decision

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