Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Massa Coffee Shop Bandung

Putri Oktaviani Devi, Ramayani Yusuf


The aim of this research is to see how the quality of service affects customer satisfaction at Massa Coffee Shop in Bandung. With a total of 70 respondents, this study was done by doing the observation technique and customer dispersion of Massa Coffee Shop Bandung. In this study, snowball sampling was utilized as a sample method. The validity, reliability, and normalcy tests, as well as the basic linear regression test, the T test (hypothesis test), the F test (together test), and the R2 test, were all employed in this study (test of determination). According to research, service quality has a 62,1% significant effect on customer satisfaction, with the remaining 37,9% coming from other variables not included in the research.


Service Quality; Customer Satisfaction

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