Pengaruh Suku Bunga BI Rate dan BI 7 Day Reverse Repo Rate terhadap Inflasi di Indonesia dengan Metode Vector Autoregression (VAR)

Yolanda Sari, Faradilla Herlin, Selly Havilla


This research aims to investigate and analyze the influence of the BI Rate and BI 7 Day Reverse Rate (BI 7 DRRR) on Inflation in Indonesia. The study utilizes secondary data covering BI Rate, BI 7 DRRR and Inflation for the period 2011-2022, obtained from the official website of Bank Indonesia. The research employs a quantitative desciptive approach, employing Vector Autoregression (VAR) as the analytical tool. The findings indicate that the BI Rate has a positive and significant impact on inflation in Indonesia, whereas BI 7 DRRR exhibits a negative and insignificant influence on inflation in Indonesia at a 5% significance level


BI Rate, BI 7 DRRR, Inflation, VAR

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