Pengaruh Motivasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Toko Tugu Elektronik Jambi

Azizah Azizah


Stores an electronic Monument Jambi aims specifically carry out the process of buying and selling electronic goods to the general public. Stores an electronic Monument Jambi consists of Chairman, cashier, sales, warehouse and employee sections. Simple linear regression equation using SPSS 20 retrieved data equation y = 7.057 + 1, 061X. The coefficient of correlation between motivation on performance (X) (Y) is 44.2% pales r > 0 has occurred positive linear relationship. The results of hypothesis testing then the retrieved value (determination) = r2 of 0.196 figures stated that the motivation was able to explain variable variable performance of 19.6% on the contrary 80.4% by other outside variable variables researched. Employee performance and motivation of working in a store an electronic Monument Jambi high. The leadership can provide motivation to employees of the store an electronic Monument Jambi to improve the performance of employees considering the existence of considerable influence among the motivation and performance of employees, and encourage employees to be able to demonstrate the ability himself in a job better and the leadership should be able to also appreciate the work of employees who have done well.


motivation; performance; public

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