Analisis Potensi Penerimaan Pajak Reklame di Kota Jambi Periode 2014-2016
Billboard tax is one of the many taxes in the city of Pekanbaru where its existence is very important as a source of Local Revenue (PAD). The existence of this advertisement tax is expected to be the main source of revenue given the conditions and potential of the area owned by the city of Pekanbaru. However, in its realization, the existence of this advertisement tax is less than optimal, where the value and growth from 2007 to 2011 decreased significantly even with a value that did not reach the specified target. In addition, the difference between the target set by the government and the realization of the advertisement tax obtained by the Pekanabru city Dispenda indicates the possibility that the potential of the existing advertisement tax has not been optimally explored. The results showed that the advertisement tax potential was very large, far above the realization value of advertisement tax revenue from 2007 to 2012. The research results also showed that the advertisement tax potential that had not been optimally explored, there were still potential tax unreached and there were several things that were need to be a correction related to advertisement tax in the city of Pekanbaru, such as a strict management and supervision system in the field so that fraud does not occur in the future.
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