Penilaian Prestasi Kerja Pegawai Negeri Silpil di Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Daerah Kabupaten Bungo

Ismail Buhari


Human resources (HR) is a very important factor that cannot even be separated from an organization, moreover a country or government organization. The success or failure of an organization is very dependent on the ability of human resources in moving management within the organization through the form of effectiveness and efficiency. Human resources are an important asset for the organization because it is closely related to the running or not of other resources. The Bungo Regional Human Resources and Human Resources Agency (BKPSDMD) has an important role in supporting the performance of the government to improve the quality of Civil Servants in the Bungo Regency government environment in order to be able to provide the best service to the community in a professional, honest, fair and equitable manner in carrying out state duties, governance and development. The point is that Civil Servants as one of the main driving factors for the implementation of development both at central and regional levels.To see the performance of apparatus resources in accordance with what is needed or not, an assessment of work performance or performance that is objective is needed. This assessment process must be able to reflect the performance of civil servants in real terms without bias and disagreement. Moving from these thoughts, the authors are interested in conducting research under the title "Performance Appraisal of Civil Servants in the Agency for Civil Service and Human Resources Development in the Bungo District" Civil aims to make research writing and its application become easy and structured. Therefore, the authors limit research on the Performance Appraisal of Civil Servants in the Civil Service and Human Resources Development Agency of the Bungo District. Based on the results of research on the Performance Appraisal of Civil Servants in the Civil Service and Human Resources Development Agency of the Bungo District, the authors assess the Performance appraisal of the Civil Service and Human Resources Development Agency of the Bungo District has been running quite effectively. There are Inhibiting Factors in the Performance Evaluation of Civil Servants in the Civil Service and Human Resources Development Agency of the Bungo District, both internal and external, so that in the future can make efforts in the assessment of work performance. Suggestions from the author to the Civil Service and Human Resources Development Agency of the Bungo District to streamline the Performance Assessment of Civil Servants and overcome the existing obstacles.


Job Performance Evaluation, Human Resources, Obstacles.

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